Cloud Rat
El Imperio
Estilos: grindcore - vegan
Cloud Rat / Xtra Vomit
2010 - split
2010 - split
- 1. My Body The Performance Machine
- 2. Magnolias
- 3. Conveyor Belt
- 4. Clear
- 5. Powerlines
- 6. The Germ Of Love
- 7. Agri-Business
- 8. Crutches
- 9. ***Static***
- 10. Define Everything Yourself
- 11. Long Distance
- 12. Focused On A Dream
- 13. Finger In A Wound
- 14. Everyone Will Lose
Cloud Rat
2010 - LP
2010 - LP
- 1. Athena
- 2. Pillbirth
- 3. Le Foie Du Michigan
- 4. Dwell
- 5. Sinkhole
- 6. Yama
- 7. Mouse Trap
- 8. Vain
- 9. Canine
- 10. Faint-Hearted
- 11. Complex To Break
Cloud Rat/The Oily Menace/Wolbachia
2011 - split
2011 - split
- 1. March
- 2. CSR
- 3. Smoke Rings
- 4. Dig And Pinch (Bea)
- 5. Hugelkultur
- 6. The Beast
- 7. Mr. Blue
- 8. What Are Your Fighting For
- 9. This Shit Is Killing You
- 10. Big Rock Candy Mountain
- 11. Crow On The Cradle
- 12. Deadlock
- 13. Parasite
- 14. Blood Brain Barrier
- 15. Incantations
- 16. Nest
- 17. Like Lanterns They Lit My Way
- 18. Battle Of Bulls Run
- 19. Scion And VIce
- 20. Bottled Water
- 21. Stepping Into Daylight
- 22. Antibiotic Markers
- 23. Scorned
- 24. Mass Production
- 25. After No Dawn
Fever Dreams
2011 - LP
2011 - LP
- 1. March (01:10)
- 2. CSR (00:40)
- 3. Smoke Rings (01:08)
- 4. Dig & Pinch (BEA) (00:57)
- 5. Incantations (01:24)
- 6. Nest (01:22)
- 7. Like Lanterns, They Lit My Way (01:49)
- 8. At Peace In Hell (02:24)
- 9. Caregiving To The Passive (02:45)
- 10. My Body, The Performance Machine (00:50)
- 11. Magnolias (01:34)
- 12. Conveyor Belt (01:21)
- 13. Clear (01:45)
- 14. Powerlines (01:39)
- 15. The Germ Of Love (00:16)
- 16. Fever Dreams (01:00)
- 17. A Cell Within A Cell (01:52)
- 18. Deliverance In The Clouds (02:18)
Cloud Rat/Autarkeia
2011 - split
2011 - split
- 1. At Peace In Hell
- 2. Caregiving To The Passive
- 3. Cold Wooden Floors
Cloud Rat | Republic Of Dreams
2012 - split
2012 - split
- 1. Burning Doe
- 2. Parachute
- 3. Stench Of Sage
- 4. Keba
- 5. Moving Mouths
- 6. Astronomy
- 7. There's No Bullshitting Here
- 8. Your Fahrenheit Is My Celsius
- 9. An Enlightened Macho Is Still A Macho
- 10. Franz K. Is (Not) My Bus Driver
- 11. Dance Tonight, Revolution Every Day
- 12. Shit Hits The Fan, But I'm Still Not The Asshole
- 13. (Your) Banality Is Evil
2013 - LP
2013 - LP
- 1. Inkblot
- 2. Aroma
- 3. Corner Space
- 4. Olympia
- 5. Peer To Peer
- 6. Windowmaker
- 7. Infinity Chasm
- 8. Inimitable Sea
- 9. Daunting Daughters
- 10. Caisse
- 11. The Needle And The Damage Done
- 12. Vigil
- 13. Moksha
Cloud Rat / Orgullo Primitivo
2014 - split
2014 - split
- 1. Six Mile
- 2. Skin Flowers
- 3. Trial By Water
- 4. Childcraft
- 5. Dreams
2010-2014 Discography
2014 - recopilatorio
2014 - recopilatorio
- 1. Self-Titled (2010)
- 2. Athena
- 3. Pillbirth
- 4. Le Foie Du Michigan
- 5. Dwell
- 6. Sinhole
- 7. Yama
- 8. Mouse Trap
- 9. Vain
- 10. Canine
- 11. Fainthearted
- 12. Complex To Break
- 13. Moksha (2013) + Unreleased Track
- 14. Inkblot
- 15. Aroma
- 16. Corner Space
- 17. Olympia
- 18. Peer To Peer
- 19. Widowmaker
- 20. Infinity Chasm
- 21. Inimitable Sea
- 22. Daunting Daughters
- 23. Casse
- 24. The Needle And The Damage Done
- 25. Vigil
- 26. Moksha
- 27. Urine Ball (Unreleased)
- 28. Fever Dreams (2011)
- 29. March
- 30. CSR
- 31. Smoke Rings
- 32. Dig & Pinch (BEA)
- 33. Incantations
- 34. Nest
- 35. Like Lanterns, They Lit My Way
- 36. At Peace In Hell
- 37. Caregiving To The Passive
- 38. My Body, The Performance Machine
- 39. Magnolias
- 40. Conveyor Belt
- 41. Clear
- 42. Powerlines
- 43. The Gem Of Love
- 44. Fever Dreams
- 45. A Cell Within A Cell
- 46. Deliverance In The Clouds
- 47. Blind River (2014) + Unreleased Track
- 48. Six Mile
- 49. Skin Flowers
- 50. Trial By Water
- 51. Childcraft
- 52. Fingerprint V2
- 53. Burning Doe
- 54. Parachute
- 55. A Stench Of Sage
- 56. Gloomy Sunday
- 57. Keba
- 58. Moving Mouths
- 59. Astronomy
- 60. Blind River (Unreleased)
Cloud Rat / Drugs Of Faith
2015 - split
2015 - split
- 1. Dull Bulb (01:01)
- 2. Erasing (02:32)
- 3. Canary (02:07)
- 4. Unexpected (01:42)
- 5. Patriots (01:53)
2015 - LP
2015 - LP
- 1. Seken (02:15)
- 2. Botched (01:21)
- 3. The Upper World (02:28)
- 4. Raccoon (03:26)
- 5. Daisies (01:40)
- 6. Bloated Goat (01:22)
- 7. Rusting Belt (02:15)
- 8. Udder Dust (03:29)
- 9. The Killing Horizon (02:09)
- 10. The Boar's Snout (01:43)
- 11. Hermit Interstice (02:52)
- 12. Live Wake (01:35)
- 13. Thin Vein (03:31)
- 14. Bolt Gun (02:27)
- 15. Rouge Park (01:37)
- 16. Friend of the Court (03:20)
- 17. Chrysalis (02:39)
Discography 2010 - 2015
2016 - recopilatorio
2016 - recopilatorio
- 1. Disc 1
- 2. Qliphoth (2015)
- 3. Seken
- 4. Botched
- 5. The Upper World
- 6. Raccoon
- 7. Daisies
- 8. Bloated Goat
- 9. Rusting Belt
- 10. Udder Dust
- 11. The Killing Horizon
- 12. The Boar's Snout
- 13. Hermit / Interstice
- 14. Live Wake
- 15. Thin Vein
- 16. Bolt Gun
- 17. Rouge Park
- 18. Friend Of The Court
- 19. Chrysalis
- 20. Cloud Rat/Drugs Of Faith (2015)
- 21. Dull Bulb
- 22. Eraser
- 23. Canary
- 24. Previously Unreleased
- 25. Them Bones
- 26. Cloud Rat / Orgullo Primitivo (2014)
- 27. Six Mile
- 28. Skin Flowers
- 29. Trial By Water
- 30. Childcraft
- 31. Monomaniac Volume One (2012)
- 32. Fingerprint
- 33. Cloud Rat / Republic Of Dreams (2012)
- 34. Burning Doe
- 35. Parachute
- 36. A Stench Of Sage
- 37. Gloomy Sunday
- 38. Keba
- 39. Moving Mouths
- 40. Astronomy
- 41. 2010-2014 Discography (2014)
- 42. Blind River
- 43. Urine Ball
- 44. Disc 2
- 45. Moksha (2013)
- 46. Inkblot
- 47. Aroma
- 48. Corner Space
- 49. Olympia
- 50. Peer To Peer
- 51. Widowmaker
- 52. Infinity Chasm
- 53. Inimitable Sea
- 54. Daunting Daughters
- 55. Caisse
- 56. The Needle And The Damage Done
- 57. Vigil
- 58. Moksha
- 59. Cloud Rat/The Oily Menace/Wolbachia (2011)
- 60. March
- 61. Corporate Social Responsibility
- 62. Smoke Rings
- 63. Dig & The Pinch (Bea)
- 64. Incantations
- 65. Nest
- 66. Like Lanterns, They Lit My Way
- 67. Cloud Rat/Autarkeia (2011)
- 68. At Peace In Hell
- 69. Caregiving To The Passive
- 70. Cloud Rat / Xtra Vomit (2011)
- 71. My Body, The Performance Machine.
- 72. Magnolias
- 73. Conveyor Belt
- 74. Clear
- 75. Powerlines
- 76. The Germ Of Love
- 77. Fever Dreams
- 78. A Cell Within A Cell
- 79. Deliverance In The Clouds
- 80. Cloud Rat (2010)
- 81. Athena
- 82. Pillbirth
- 83. Le Fois Du Michigan
- 84. Dwell
- 85. Sinkhole
- 86. Yama
- 87. Mouse Trap
- 88. Vain
- 89. Canine
- 90. Faint-Hearted
- 91. Complex To Break
Cloud Rat / Test
2017 - split
2017 - split
- 1. Handprints (00:43)
- 2. Unconcious Codes (01:50)
- 3. Hollow Bones (01:56)
- 4. Meat Hook (01:38)
- 5. Assalto Nuclear
- 6. Vazio
Cloud Rat / Moloch
2017 - split
2017 - split
- 1. Sueno (02:00)
- 2. Perdiak (01:44)
- 3. Clench (00:59)
- 4. Baby Sling / Balloon Born (03:13)
- 5. Biting The Air (02:26)
- 6. Pit (03:03)
- 7. Amber Flush (04:38)
- 8. The Ninth Wave / Bloody North (12:08)
- 9. Lead (06:30)
2017 - split
2017 - split
- 1. Harpy
- 2. Drainpipe
- 3. Papusza
- 4. Fish In A Pool
- 5. Infinite Regress
- 6. Dead Body
Clipped Beaks // Silk Panic MMXVIII
2018 - recopilatorio
2018 - recopilatorio
- 1. Split w. Crevasse
- 2. Harpy (00:56)
- 3. Drainpipe (01:33)
- 4. Papousza (01:58)
- 5. Fish In A Fool (01:20)
- 6. Split w. Test
- 7. Handprints (00:43)
- 8. Unconcious Codes (01:50)
- 9. Hollow Bones (01:56)
- 10. Meat Hook (01:38)
- 11. Split w. Disrotted
- 12. Holding The Picture (18:02)
- 13. Split w. The World Is A Vampire
- 14. Wish Made (03:51)
- 15. Nago (02:32)
- 16. Refraction (01:44)
- 17. Rosemary (01:12)
- 18. Call To Death (02:44)
- 19. Immolation (02:20)
- 20. November (03:18)
- 21. Split w. Moloch
- 22. Sueno (02:02)
- 23. Perdiak (01:46)
- 24. Clench (01:01)
- 25. Baby Sling (Balloon Borne) (03:15)
- 26. Biting The Air (02:29)
- 27. Pit (03:05)
- 28. Amber Flush) (04:38)
2019 - LP
2019 - LP
- 1. Wish Maid (03:49)
- 2. Nago (02:29)
- 3. Refraction (01:42)
- 4. Rosemary (01:10)
- 5. Call To Death (02:42)
- 6. Immolation (02:18)
- 7. November (03:16)
- 8. The Secret Passage And Winding Contours Of Language (02:36)
- 9. Simulacrum (01:53)
- 10. Lichsparrow (02:36)
- 11. Pustules (01:00)
- 12. Mad World (04:19)
Do Not Let Me Off The Cliff
2019 - EP
2019 - EP
- 1. Thrust (03:20)
- 2. Keep Flies (03:51)
- 3. Share (02:19)
- 4. 623 (03:48)
- 5. The Portal Of God Is Nonexistence (04:06)
- 6. Pity Sex (03:24)
- 7. Dropping From The Trees (04:12)
2019 - LP
2019 - LP
- 1. Losing Weight (01:15)
- 2. Delayed Grief // Farmhouse Red (02:01)
- 3. Seven Heads (01:59)
- 4. Night Song (02:15)
- 5. Wonder (01:59)
- 6. The Mad (02:12)
- 7. Al Di La (02:47)
- 8. Last Leaf (02:26)
- 9. Zula (00:34)
- 10. Biome (02:14)
- 11. Webspinner (02:08)
- 12. Luminescent Cellar (04:16)
- 13. Marionettes (02:19)
- 14. Perla (02:50)