Podcast muzike.org - S01E06 - Madrid is the Dark Fest
lavrentiRepasamos los últimos discos o temas representativos de todas las bandas que 1 y 2 de diciembre actuarán dentro de la edición de 2017 del Madrid is the Dark Fest en la sala Changó
Foscor - Les Irreals Visions - Altars
Novembers Doom - Hamartia - Zephyr
Warning - Watching From A Distance - Footprints
In The Woods... - Pure - Cult of Shining Stars
Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea - The Hunt
Haggard - Tales of Ithiria - Tales of Ithiria
Autumnal - The End Of The Third Day - A Tear from a Beast
A Forest of Stars - Beware the Sword You Cannot See - Drawing Down the Rain
Evoken - Atra Mors - Descent into Chaotic Dream
Green Carnation - The Quiet Offspring - The Everlasting Moment
Saturnus (2012) - Saturn in Ascension - Litany of Rain
Theatre of Tragedy- Aegis - Cassandra
Tiamat- Wildhoney - Whatever that hurts
Beauty of Gemina - Minor Sun - Crossroads