Podcast S02E06 - Altschmerz y el blackgaze

García Oliver
Lil' Peep - Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 2 - Life Is Beautiful
The Ocean - Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic - Permian: The Great Dying
A Forest of Stars - Grave Mounds And Grave Mistakes - Tombward Bound
Sylvaine - Atoms Aligned, Coming Undone - Abeyance
Avast - Mother Culture - An Earnest Desire
A. A. Williams - Control
Dead Can Dance - Dyonisus - Dance of the Bacchantes
Traidor - Holocausto cotidiano - HOLOCAUSTO
Acherontas - Faustian Ethos - Sorcery And The Apeiron
Elder - Reflections Of A Floating World - Thousand Hands
URSA - Abyss Between The Stars - Wizard's Path
Megaton Leviathan - Mage - Wave
Devouring Star - The Arteries Of Heresy - The Arteries Of Heresy - Her Divine Arteries
fondos de Leidungr - Sunnablot
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